A sound solution for mobile payments
By Steve Doswell Mobile payments have come a long way in a relatively short amount of time and have solidified their place amongst mainstream payment methods. Their share of the payments market will now quickly accelerate. Here’s why. Consumer comfort. Mobile bill payment has gone from exclusively serving the tech-savvy …

Invisible payments are taking the lead
By Paul Parisi Convenience has long been the driver of payments innovation. As customers crave greater ease in the ways they pay, the industry has responded with fast, easy, secure and seamless payment options. These factors have combined to usher in invisible payments. Invisible payments take traditional payment methods such …

Mobilizing Canadian payments
By Hans Kelso The financial marketplace in Canada is a fundamentally conservative environment, with the majority of Canadians conducting their business with a small number of large institutions, buttressed by the near universal accessibility of the Interac network. It should then be no surprise that mobile payments, and more generally …